What's a day without a book. A bookcase is a mirror of the soul. Nothing is random in it's order. My preferred author is Hermann Hesse.I read all of his books. I like a novel called "The city".
The best Italian author is Dino Buzzatti. Unforgettable is "Il deserto dei Tartari" (The desert of the Tartar) and "Il segreto di bosco vecchio" (The secret of the old forest). This is a short novel called "Il colombre". Besides I read Pirandello, Rigoni Stern , Dostoevskij and Kafka. I like historic essays of the contemporary history and of the two world wars. There's a good history book series of the Bompiani Italian Editor. "The great history of the first world war" is a good book of Martin Gilbert.
I like the American comics as Non sequitur:
It's also good Zits:
His author comic won the prize as better comic in 1999. Besides I like Dilbert and Calvin e Hobbes.