
My name is Fior Claudio. I am a PhD doctor in Forest Ecology at the University of Padua. I have studied allometry and gas exchanges in treeline plants and I did same anatomical relives on woody samples. I would like to study in the ecology field, in a foreign country, or to improve and apply my informatics skill obtained during these years.

Personal data

Full name: Fior Claudio

Place of birth: San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) - Italy

Date of birth: 1975

Driving license:Autocar driving license

Military duty: Carried out in 2001 in the alpine troops. I did a military exercise in Lithuania.


2005 PhD Thesis about "Una spiegazione funzionale della posizione del limite superiore del bosco nelle Alpi italiane orientali: alcune evidenze ecofisiologiche"

2000 Full mark graduated in Forest Sciences studying the diet of the fox in a prealpine area: "Regime dietetico della volpe (Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus)) in un ambiente prealpino. Valutazione comparata di metodi d'indagine."

Other knowledges

Intermediate computer knowledge (Microsoft Office, Visual Basic 6.0, Java), of statistic (Statistica 6.0 and S-Plus), database (Access and MySQL) and GIS (Mapinfo) and basic knowledge of CAD (Autocad).

2000 In the 3th Faunisti Veneti Congess I presented a poster about the thesis.

2003 Presentation at 4th SISEF Congress in Potenza (Italy) from 7 to 10 October 2003 of the results of the allometric measures made on L. decidua Mill.

2004 Poster presented at 14th FESPB Congress in Krakow (Poland) from 23 to 27 August 2004 about "Dry matter partitioning in L. decidua Mill. and P. cembra in Italian treeline ecotones".

2004 Presentation at 14th SITE Congress in Siena from 6 to 8 October 2004 of the results of the allometric relives made on L. decidua and P. cembra

2006 Published an article on the number of February New Phytologist 169(2):279-290 with the title "Convergent tapering of xylem conduits in different woody species"

2007 Tecnical report on the number of June of Forest@ 4 (2): 170-176 with the title "Proposals for increasing internet access to forest management plans".

2007 Poster presented at the Convegno Division VI IUFRO Congress at a Saariselkä - Finland with the title " the Italian web portal of the forest sector".

2007 Presentation at the VI Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology and Selvicolture with the title "Semplificare lo scambio delle conoscenze nella pianificazione forestale con XML".

2007 Presentation at Congress "Quale futuro per i boschi in Appennino" with the title "Integrare le conoscenze per una gestione integrata del territorio".

Professional experience

2001 I did a timber harvest scheduling of a small private forest (100 ha) and a timber harvest plan with a professional man.

2000 I did some field relives for a review of a timber harvest scheduling.

1999 Training period with a professional man planning forest roads and forest cranes paths.


In the free time I like trekking and tourist cycling and so I have crossed a lot of the north east Italian alps. I like good books, especially novels and history essay.

5 November 2007

Claudio Fior

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