Selvicolture horizons
In the last years Italian selvicolture use forest types in order to describe in few word a forest and create a widely uniform technical terminology. So now it is easier to talk each other for two foresters about a forest and selvicoltural activities. It is only a technical classify and it is joined to a precise moment and place. A forest derived from the landscape, the clima and the life forms presents in an area. Moreover in our area it is important the history and the past human activities.
There is an higher variability in the forest so the classify is not a law but it is a prescription. The forest types help the foresters to explain and justify their selvicoltural activities. In Italy the forest fields pertaining to the regions. PotThe Friuli Region produced the forest types and the rule for the timber scheduling and timber use.
But the Regional Forest Department forgotten something. A lot of tourist goes in to our valleys and forests and they have always a problem. Do you know what is the first immediate need of a tourist after a couple of hours in a car driving to the mountains? It is a physiological urgency. So it is important that a touristic area could give to the tourist the indispensable privacy.
Beech forestFaggeta submontana con ostria (GA0)
Faggeta submontana tipica (GB0)
Faggeta submontana dei suoli mesici carbonatici (GC0)
Faggeta submontana dei suoli mesoidrici (GD0)
Faggeta submontana dei suoli mesici silicatici (GE0)
Faggeta submontana dei suoli acidi (GF0)
Faggeta submontana dei suoli xerici (GG0)
Faggeta montana tipica esalpica (GH1)
Faggeta montana tipica mesalpica (GH2)
Faggeta montana dei suoli acidi (GI0)
Faggeta montana dei suoli mesici (GL0)
Faggeta altimontana tipica (GM0)
In these beech forests the hygienic function is scarce, it is a little better in the areas with young beech . Fir forestThe beech forest usually have a aged structure with big areas with only big trees. It could be useful create an uneven aged forest structure with wood cut in small areas. Eventually blackberry bush could enchange the defense of the tourist privacy.
Abieti-piceo-faggeto dei substrati carbonatici altimontano (MB2)
Abieti-piceo-faggeto dei substrati mesici montano (MC1)
Abieti-piceo-faggeto dei substrati mesici altimontano (MC2)
Abieti-piceo-faggeto altimontano dei suoli acidi (MD0)
In forest with spruce, beech and fir there is an higher hygienic function. The uneven aged structure give the necessary privacy in the moment of trouble. Moreover if we plant blackberry bush the tourist could give benefit by them aperitif effect.